Tuesday, May 24, 2022

"This is not a transitory problem. This is chronic and systemic"

I wonder if it'd be worth tracking down suppliers for ketchup packets and ramekins. Ramekins come in different sizes and shapes and prices.  Very interesting.  I do not get the sense that there are shortages in ramekins as a whole, perhaps specialized ramekins but if that's the case then you'd have shortages in that market all the time.   Jon Taffer on restaurant food price inflation.  

The price surge began in the pandemic.  

But what is the inflation there?

The price surge began with tariffs on fertilizer and reduced supplies of natural gas (according to this farmer). (Of course the Fed has played its usual part as we all know.)

Monday, May 16, 2022

Keep track of inflation in different sectors

Keep track of inflation in different sectors

From Martin Armstrong

We went from a booming economy to staring down the next recession. Inflation has reached 8.3%, and most Americans are troubled that they will no longer be able to afford their standard of living. According to the latest Gallup poll, 52% reported that they are fearful about maintaining their standard of living. Some may say, “So what? The rich will have to sell off one mansion and fly commercial!” The people who will feel the brunt of this economic downturn are lower-income earners.

Among those earning under $40,000 annually, 73% said they no longer believe they can afford basic living necessities, up from 56% a year prior. About 65% of lower-income Americans worry about having enough money to pay their monthly bills, while 59% say they fear they’ll no longer be able to afford housing. In fact, more lower-income renters should be concerned about the rising cost of housing because landlords will pass their increased costs on to their tenants at a time when rental costs are already at an all-time high.

Medical bills, the leading cause of bankruptcy, are of the utmost concern. Seventy-two percent of lower-income earners said they cannot afford an emergency medical event, and 62% cannot afford basic medical care. These fears are not unfounded and we are looking at a major crisis on the horizon.

Monday, May 9, 2022

Available inventory of homes for sale is rising quickly! 305,000 single family homes on the market, up 4.5% from last week


Friday, May 6, 2022

Post Office or Excalibur?

If you can get accurate information from the post in just one visit, congratulations, you are better than King Arthur who extracted Excalibur from the forest stone. 

I tried to set up a 2nd PO Box.  Asking for one, applying for, and paying for one is easy.  The USPS will gladly take your money.  However if you try to activate it online, the site won't default to your previous po box but to your physical address.  If your billing address is your po box, the online app won't recognize it.  You'll have to go into the post office and do that in person.